What to expect when having dental implants fitted


When you have a gap in your teeth, you will have probably looked at all of the options available to resolve the issue.

In the past, the most popular options included having either a bridge or a set of dentures fitted. But, in the last 10 years, another treatment has come to the forefront, and this is to have oral implants.

Affixed to the jaw using surgery, these titanium screw-like instruments act as an anchor or false root to attach prosthetic teeth to and can offer a more stable alternative than many other restoratives.

When you come to see our team at Abbey Road Dental, we will always be glad to discuss your suitability for dental implants in St John’s Wood. We will oversee the fitting and the aftercare and will help you to keep your implants lasting for many years.

So, what can you expect when you have dental implants in St John’s Wood fitted? Here’s a quick overview.


Firstly, in order to have dental implants in St John’s Wood fitted, you have to be assessed for suitability. During the initial consultation, our dentist will examine your mouth, take X-rays and intraoral scans and will discuss your options for implant placement.

Sadly, not everyone is suitable to have oral implants placed, and if you have an underlying health issue such as osteoporosis or you have active gum disease or tooth decay, these will need to be treated and your oral health stabilised before we go any further.


The next step is surgery! Don’t worry; we will always ensure that your mouth is numbed before we begin, or if you are an anxious patient, we will sedate you. The implant surgery involves making an incision in the gums to place the implant into the jawbone. Then, we will sew up the area and leave it to heal. The implant is then left to integrate with the bone for around 3-6 months. If, after 12 months, your oral implant has not fused, we will remove it and attempt another option, such as a fitted bridge or dentures.

Abutment placement

Once the implant has fully healed, an abutment is placed on top of the implant, and the gum tissue is closed around it.

The abutment provides a stable connection between the implant and the crown, ensuring a secure and long-lasting restoration. In some cases, a custom-made abutment may be fabricated to match the shape and colour of the surrounding teeth.

It also allows for less invasive options; if your dental crown breaks after you have had implants fitted, the abutment allows for the prosthetic to be removed without impacting the implant that is underneath the jaw.

Implant crown placement

A custom-made crown is then placed over the abutment to complete the oral implant.

Our team will ensure that the prosthetic that is fitted matches your surrounding teeth in shade, colour and shape, so nobody will be able to spot the difference.

Of course, if you have a set of dentures attached to your implants, they can be whichever shade you want, but our team will always discuss with you the most natural shade for your age dentition.