Your Complete Summer Guide To Oral Health

Smile ahead into summer with Abbey Road Dental!

Summer is here, hooray! Hopefully it will be a really warm one like last year, hooray again! There is so much to look forward to, everybody loves these longer, lighter months.

So, why are we here talking about oral health you might ask yourself?

The team here at Abbey Road Dental want to help you care for your oral health independently, between visits to us to help keep you on track. Of course we can help with all kinds of dental issues and needs should anything arise, but ideally, prevention is always best. It saves you pain, money and time. With that in mind, we are aware that summer can be quite the minefield when it comes to oral health. Holidays, summer sports, summer food and a change in routine can all be major potential risks for oral health. There’s also something to be said for planning ahead for the cosmetic dentistry you might want later on in the year. Going into 2020 is way off, but when it comes to certain smile treatments, you need to think in advance, and summer might be your time to take that first step towards your dream smile, and book in for your consultation at our St John’s Wood clinic in NW8.

To help you breeze through the bright and beautiful months with a gorgeous smile, and support your smile dreams looking even further forward, here is our complete summer guide to oral health:

Cosmetic Dentistry For 2020, Time To Think Ahead?

Cosmetic dentistry treatments like teeth whitening may not need much advance planning, and they can be booked close to the time you want the results if you opt for our fast, in-house treatment. For at-home treatment you need to allow a few weeks for the results. Otherwise, other more substantial makeovers can take anything from weeks to months. If you struggle with insecurity about your smile, if you dream of having missing teeth replaced, or misaligned teeth being straightened, now is the time to consider a consultation at our local clinic.

For example, if you want a straight smile for next summer, you may need a year in braces, which means getting them fitted now. It does all depend on your individual needs and treatment requirements, but the first step is a consultation. We can let you know a good idea of timescale, costs and potential results after we have completed your personalised consultation with us.

Curbing Your Enthusiasm For Summer Food?

Summer is an excellent time for social events and for indulgent food. Barbecues, ice creams on the beach, sugary cocktails, picnic food – you can see where we are going with this….

You might smile because of these foods but your teeth and gums won’t benefit from eating or drinking them regularly. Starchy, sugary foods can be harmful to the teeth, even with a great oral health regime. Day-to-day, why not invest in all the gorgeous healthy summer foods like beautiful salads and steamed summer veggies? Treats every now and again will not do any harm, but day to day the focus needs to be on a healthy and balanced diet which will also benefit your waistline.

Summer Sports Can Lead To Nasty Dental Injuries

We always encourage our patients to be more physically active for better overall health and contact sports are a wonderful way to be social and to improve physical fitness. When it comes to your teeth though, they are more at risk during these kinds of sports. Dental injuries can be really nasty, often occurring during contact sports that we take part in during summer. Of course, some injuries are inevitable but you can do something to protect your smile when you take part. A custom mouth guard is available to protect your gums and teeth from a wide range of injuries and whilst it cannot provide total protection, it does add an extra layer of security to help minimise certain types of injury. We always recommend custom guards over shop-bought because they are designed specifically to protect your teeth and gums, and the materials are often of a higher grade.

Maintaining Your Oral Health Routine, Even On Holiday

Your oral health routine is the core of your preventative day to day care, helping your teeth and gums avoid injury, disease and oral issues. In summer, that routine get be disturbed because of time off work, late night garden parties, holidays and because of a general feeling of relaxation. The very occasional skip of a brush won’t make your teeth fall out; however, if you regularly neglect your oral health, you might find oral disease creeping in. It doesn’t take a long period of time where you aren’t brushing regularly to begin to cause issues with the teeth and gums. Enjoy holidays, parties, social events and adventures this summer, but don’t budge on your oral health regime, it is the cornerstone of your oral health and maintaining it will help keep your smile bright, beautiful and healthy in summer and all year round!

Don’t Forget To Attend Your Visits To The Dentist

It is important to attend your visits to the dentist to ensure that any dental issues that do occur, are diagnosed and treated quickly. It can be easy to put your appointments off until after summer, but for a small amount of your time, you can get quick diagnosis, or a speedy check to ensure everything is OK. This peace of mind, and important check over is essential for long-term smile health, especially when it comes to checking for things like oral cancer, which have a much better prognosis when diagnosed early.

If you need to make a booking for your dental checkup, or you want to take that first step towards your dream smile and want to book a consultation with us, please call our team on 02076241603. We can book an appointment for you today, to help support your summer smile in the warmer months, and all year round!