Making dental implants widely available at our clinic


At our local clinic, Abbey Road Dental, we understand the importance of having access to the latest dental treatments, including oral implants. Dental implants in St John’s Wood are an increasingly popular and extremely beneficial solution for replacing missing teeth, but not everyone feels they have the means to afford them. In this post, we will explore how we are working to make oral implants more widely available to our patients.

Understanding the cost of oral implants

Oral implants can be a significant investment for patients, and the cost can be a barrier for some individuals. The cost of implants varies (resulting in some opting for risker treatment abroad) depending on the location of the clinic, the type of implant, and the number. However, it’s important to understand that the cost of oral implants is often less than the long-term costs of alternative treatments, such as bridges or dentures.

Finding affordable payment options

To help make oral implants more affordable for our patients, we offer a variety of payment options. Our clinic accepts most dental insurance plans, and we also offer financing options. These options allow patients to spread the cost of treatment over several months, making it more manageable for their budget.

Partnering with dental laboratories

Another way we are working to make dental implants in St John’s Wood more widely available is by partnering with dental laboratories that offer high-quality, yet affordable, implant options. These partnerships allow us to offer our patients a wide range of implant options across price points, ensuring that there is a solution for every budget.

Implant-stabilised dentures: an affordable alternative

In addition to traditional dental implants in St John’s Wood, our clinic also offers implant-stabilised dentures as an alternative solution for patients who are missing multiple teeth. Implant-stabilised dentures are a type of removable denture that is anchored in place by a small number of oral implants. These dentures provide a secure and stable fit, eliminating the need for adhesives or other traditional denture-retention methods.

One of the main benefits of implant-stabilised dentures is that they require fewer implants than a traditional implant treatment. This means that the cost of treatment is often more affordable for patients. Additionally, implant-stabilised dentures can be used to replace both the upper and lower jaw, making them a great option for those who are missing multiple teeth on both arches.

Implant-stabilised dentures also provide a number of other benefits, such as improved chewing and speaking ability, and a more natural look and feel compared to traditional dentures. They also help to boost the jawbone and prevent further bone loss, preserving the natural shape of the face.

Education and patient support

Lastly, we believe in educating our patients about the benefits and costs of dental implant treatment. Our team of experienced dental professionals are always ready to answer any queries you may have and guide you through the process. We also provide patient support throughout the treatment process to ensure that you are comfortable and informed every step of the way. So, call us today if you have any questions or concerns about oral implants.