Top Tips For Caring For Your Teeth When You’re Out And About

Looking after your teeth 9 to 5 whilst away from home.

Whether you work 9-5, you’re always travelling around different cities for your job, or you’re literally just always on the go, there’s one thing you need to be pristine and that is your smile.

Your teeth help you speak, eat and help to let people know that you take care of yourself; so it is important that your smile is fresh, clean and healthy wherever you are.

Cleaning at home is easy enough, you just need to brush twice a day for two minutes; but on the go, away from your toothbrush and toothpaste and your private bathroom, it gets a little trickier.

With those constraints in mind, here are your St John’s Woods dentist’s top tips for caring for your teeth when you’re out and about. Dr David Bloom shares his guidance below:

Consider What You’re Consuming

Everything you consume will have a huge effect on your smile, at least temporarily. For example, eating garlic and onion will keep your breath odorous potentially for a day or so after the meal containing these pesky ingredients. Eating pesto or anything herby could result in you getting lots of bits stuck in your teeth. Drinking coke, red wine or coffee could temporarily stain your teeth. So think carefully about what you consume to make your short-term oral health care as easy as possible.

Keep An Oral Health Kit In Your Bag

It really helps to have a mini-kit in your bag so you can freshen up your smile if you need to. A mini toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and some sugar free gum will provide you with all you need to get your smile looking and feeling beautiful on the go.

Keep Saliva Flowing

Dry mouth is one of the most common causes of bad breath and it isn’t good for your teeth either. Being on the go means you might forget to keep sipping water or stay hydrated. Try to set a reminder to have some water every hour or so to help keep yourself hydrated. Chewing sugar free gum will help with saliva production too, as well as freshening your breath.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is bad for your oral and general health and if you smoke regularly, you’ll negatively affect your smile and your overall health all too frequently. We’re coming up to October soon enough, so why not make it Stoptober and make an incredible change to benefit your health by quitting?

Make Regular Appointments With Your St John’s Wood Dentist

Keeping to regular checkups at Abbey Road Dental cannot replace good daily oral hygiene habits, but it does mean you have a healthier, happier smile to manage whilst you’re out and about and on the go. Any potential issues that could cause pain are picked up early, and there are also plenty of cosmetic dentistry treatments to consider to help your smile look exactly how you want it to. Why not call us on 02076241603 and we’ll get you booked in for an appointment to suit your busy schedule.