Embrace a New Smile with Invisalign at Abbey Road Dental in St John’s Wood


At Abbey Road Dental, we’re transforming smiles right across St John’s Wood with Invisalign, the world’s leading clear aligner system. As dental professionals, we know that a confident smile can make a world of difference, and we’re committed to helping you achieve just that. We harness the revolutionary power of Invisalign to straighten teeth discreetly and conveniently. From the initial consultation right through to aftercare, our team provides an unrivalled level of care. We understand that every smile is unique, and so is every patient’s journey. That’s why we tailor our Invisalign treatments to meet your individual needs. So, if you’re looking to enhance your smile with Invisalign in St John’s Wood, we’re ready to guide you every step of the way towards a brighter, more confident grin.

Why Choose Invisalign for Teeth Straightening?

Why opt for Invisalign over traditional braces? Well, the benefits speak for themselves. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, meaning you can straighten your teeth without anyone even noticing. They’re also removable, giving you the flexibility to eat, drink, and maintain your oral hygiene routine as normal. For those with busy lifestyles, Invisalign offers a convenient solution that fits seamlessly into your daily routine. Not to mention, the comfort level is exceptional. Unlike traditional braces, there’s no metal to cause mouth sores during treatment. At Abbey Road Dental, we choose Invisalign because we believe in offering our patients the best. We consider these clear aligners as the epitome of modern orthodontics, merging aesthetic design with effective results.

The Initial Consultation – Understanding Your Needs

At the heart of our Invisalign journey at Abbey Road Dental, is an initial consultation that aims to understand your unique dental needs. Our highly skilled team takes the time to listen to your teeth straightening goals, answer your questions, and alleviate any concerns. We then undertake a thorough examination of your teeth, using advanced 3D imaging technology to map out your teeth and create a personalised treatment plan. This step is crucial in preparing us for your Invisalign journey, ensuring we deliver a result that aligns with your aspirations. Emphasising on a patient-centric approach, we strive to make sure you feel informed and comfortable throughout your Invisalign journey in our St John’s Wood clinic.

The Invisalign Process – From Start to Finish

After your personalised treatment plan is created, your Invisalign journey truly begins. We’ll provide you with a series of custom-made, clear aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their desired position. The aligners are switched out every one to two weeks to keep up with the progress. At Abbey Road Dental, we closely monitor your transformation, scheduling regular check-ups to ensure everything is going according to plan. We take immense pride in seeing our patients’ smiles evolve over time and witnessing the boost in confidence that comes along. Committed to premier dental care, our team ensures a seamless experience with Invisalign in St John’s Wood, overseeing your smile makeover from start to finish.

Aftercare – Maintaining Your Newly Straightened Smile

At Abbey Road Dental, our care doesn’t end when your Invisalign treatment does. We provide comprehensive aftercare advice to help maintain your newly straightened smile. From the importance of wearing your retainer to tips on oral hygiene, we guide you through it all. Regular dental check-ups are also essential to ensure your teeth remain beautifully aligned. Our team is committed to ensuring the longevity of your results. So, if you’re ready to embark on your Invisalign journey in St John’s Wood, rest assured that we’ll be with you every step of the way, even after the aligners come off. After all, your smile is our pride.