Your Denture Problems Solved

Abbey Road Dental in St John’s Wood discuss modern dentures

Dentures are tried and trusted tooth loss solutions and the dentures of today are much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing compared to those offered in the past. Here at Abbey Road Dental in St John’s NW8 we offer a thorough, complete denture service, but that doesn’t mean problems can’t occur between visits to us.

Common Denture Issues

If you do wear dentures it is extremely important to practise a high level of dental hygiene and ensure your dentures fit well, otherwise you may struggle with:

●     Infections in the mouth

●     Irritation of your gums and soft tissues in the mouth

●     Dentures that move

●     Issues with eating and speech

Dealing With Denture Issues

If you do find your dentures are causing you problems, please don’t hesitate to book in to see us at our dental clinic in St John’s Wood. We can help resolve any issues, and adjust or replace your dentures if necessary. Some things that might improve denture issues are:

Ensuring they fit properly – your gums, bones and surrounding teeth will change over time which will change your denture fit. This means they need adjusting by your dentist.

Practising – when you first get dentures fitted you will sound a little different. Take your time and practise speaking slowly – you will get used to them.

Eat softer foods – some foods will be trickier to eat with dentures, such as sticky things or chewy things. Take your time and try to chew with your whole mouth – it will get easier and eventually you will be able to enjoy most foods.

It is also important to be aware of certain infections you may be more prone to because of your dentures. These are rare, but can happen and you should seek help at Abbey Road Dental if you suspect you have one. Common infections are:

Cheilitis – This infection causes the corners of your mouth to become sore and crack. You are more likely to get it if your dentures fit poorly or if you regularly lick the corners of your mouth.

Stomatitis – Symptoms aren’t always obvious for this infection, but common signs might be little red lumps in the roof of your mouth, or more red areas of your mouth.

Looking After Your Dentures

As well as ensuring your dentures fit well, you need to make sure you are looking after your dentures well too. Make sure you never sleep with them in, you avoid dropping them, take care to clean them everyday and store them properly at night. When you have your dentures made and fitted with us, we will give you lots of tips on how to care for your dentures correctly.

Most Importantly….

Make sure you keep up with your check ups at Abbey Road Dental. We can make sure your dentures feel comfortable and fit well, and help diagnose and treat any oral issues that you may struggle with. If you would like to discuss your dentures, or perhaps a more permanent solution to your tooth loss such as dental implants, please give us a call on 02076241603 and we will be very pleased to help.